Private Sector Partnership (PSP)
Private Sector participation in waste collection and transportation has been in existence since 1997 under the Ministry of Environment when the pilot scheme took off in two (2) Local Government Areas (Kosofe and Bariga). The programme was further expanded to other areas in 1999 with setback in 2002 as a result of poor management. A review was done in 2004 and new mega PSPs were appointed to render service in 20LGs / 37LCDAs based on technical capacity. A new Management Team was appointed for LAWMA in May 2005 with a mandate to rid the city of filth, and bring about improvement in the delivery of Solid Waste Services to the citizens of Lagos.

However, in March 2007 PSPs were transferred to LAWMA for Restructure and effective monitoring. Some of the steps taken by LAWMA are as follows:
- Identify the existing PSP Operator’s coverage areas
- Determine PSP technical and financial capacit.
- Allocation of ward based on PSP technical capability
YEAR | 2004 – 2007 | 2007 – 2010 | 2011 -2014 | 2014 – date |
Number of PSP | 116 | 213 | 346 | 364 |
Number of Staff | 696 | 1278 | 2076 | Over 3500 |
STRENGTHS 1. Increase number of households that access to waste management service 2. Enabling environment Law 3. Supportive government and competent management. 4. Job Creation – poverty alleviation 5. Increased good customer relations and satisfaction | WEAKNESS 1. Ability to consistently maintain and improve performance level 2. Difficulty in waste services charge collection 3. Unreliable service delivery 4. Failure in enforcing Law 5. Failure in enforcing standard 6. Branding of compactor etc |
OPPORTUNITIES 1. Through poverty alleviation – Job creation 2. Materials are available for local industrial use 3. Income generation opportunity from sale of recyclable materials. 4. Incentives for residents to participate in sorting at sources | THREATS 1. Relationship between LAWMA, PSP and slum communities, i.e Badiya, Bariga, Housing Estate i.e Jakande. 2. Attitude of Lagosians to waste handling 3. Difficulty in collecting waste service charge from residents 4. Insufficient number of waste compactors required 5. Poor Road network infrastructure |
- Target/goal: to improve unprecedented waste management services in the State and bring about cleaner and aesthetic environment.
- 2. Indicator:
– Clean environment
– Free flow of drainage water
-reduce incidences of flooding
– Enhance free free flow of vehicular movement
– Reduce cart pushing activities and indiscriminate dumping - Strategic direction:
– Attract foreign direct investment in construction of additional transfer loading station
– Continuing to seek to solve issues of poor infrastructure provision – road network, power supply